The Grand Signal

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How is Putin spying on Obama? Goodie bags.

October 31, 2013 | Written by The Grand Signal
Photo courtesy of daveynin

Tensions were high at the recent G-20 summit, as international relations continue to dangle precariously on the heels of the NSA leeks. Russia — recently outraged over reports that Britain had spied on it’s delegates at the two previous G-20 summits — decided they weren’t going to be victims to the fun any longer. The Kremlin’s henchmen put into place a systematic bug network that would methodically spy on every western delegate at the summit.

How? Goodie bags.

Italian news media reported on Tuesday that a warning went out to all the G-20 members about the bugs. The two newspapers said all “delegates” at the Sept. 5-6 gathering were given the goodie bags. It wasn’t clear if any world leaders received the tainted gifts directly.

Neither Russian nor US officials have offered comment.

via NY Post

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