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Post Tagged with: "russia"

New rules for Russian internet surveillance hold ISPs responsible for storage of internet traffic

New rules for Russian internet surveillance hold ISPs responsible for storage of internet traffic

In an effort to tighten controls over the internet Russia is expanding its surveillance measures to Russian ISPs. ISPs will be required to keep track of all Internet traffic, recording IP addresses, telephone numbers, and usernames. They will be required to store all collected traffic for 12 hours while the Russian security apparatus monitors it.

The move has sparked controversy as it is counter to provisions protecting privacy and the right to due process under the Russian Constitution.

It is unclear whether these measures will have a net effect on Russian internet users’ privacy. Some suggesting that the new measures will have little effect on Russian rights to privacy as current legislation requires ISPs to collect data already. The difference appears to be the 12-hour rule which holds ISPs responsible for storing internet traffic giving the Russian security apparatus, which has limited storage capacity, time to adequately monitor the information.

via Global Voices Online

November 7, 2013 Comments are Disabled Read More
Putin allows Snowden asylum; must stop campaign against US

Putin allows Snowden asylum; must stop campaign against US

In a self-professed shocking event, Russian president Vladimir Putin has offered NSA-whistleblower Edward Snowden political asylum in Russia on the condition that he stops all work against the United States. Putin commented in a press release:

“If he wants to stay here, there is one condition: he has to stop his work aimed at damaging our U.S. partners, no matter how strange this sounds coming from me,” Putin told reporters.

Although Snowden has been trapped at a Russian airport for over a week, with potential safe passage to Equador blocked, the Russians have maintained a clear stance that they will not extradite him.

“Russia never extradites anyone anywhere and is not going to extradite anyone. No one ever extradites anyone to us,” a Russian immigration official said, adding that Snowden “is a free man.”

However, Putin has made it clear that Snowden needs to find a new destination if he insists on continuing his campaign against the United States of America.

via Yahoo! News

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July 2, 2013 4 comments Read More

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