The Grand Signal

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Post Tagged with: "google glass"

Google glass continues to raise privacy concerns

Google glass continues to raise privacy concerns

Privacy issues revolving around Google glass continue to cause concern for US officials. Senator Joe Barton sent a letter to Google in May asking for further clarification related to privacy of Google glass. Google replied shortly later with answers that disappointed the Senator. “I am disappointed in the responses we received from Google. There were questions that were not adequately answered and some not answered at all. Google Glass has the potential to change the way people communicate and interact. When new technology like this is introduced that could change societal norms, I believe it is important that people’s rights be protected and vital that privacy is built into the device. I look forward to continuing a working relationship with Google as Google Glass develops.”, writes Barton in a statement.

The main issue concerning Google glass is the collection of non-user data without consent. Google remains adamant that they’re goal is protect user-privacy, but have yet to elaborate on details on how they will deal with the many privacy-related issues.

via theguardian by Jemima Kiss

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